Monday, August 8, 2011

ME: I got in the computer to check the e-mail before we leave for Washington D.C and Alex was ON!!!!
Here is the way our little chat went on! Not too much time, but it was very nice and very exciting!

ALEX: If you could, would this be a good plaque picture? If it is, then could you use this one!!! Thanks!!!

ME: This is a very nice picture. We'll get it there soon.
ALEX: Yay!!!!! Okay, just make sure that it's EFY, Mormon Tabernacle, or classical. =) Thank you very much!!!

ME: This is so exiting. We are CHATING!! Is it against the rules?
I don't know, hehe. It's not really chatting, just sending emails to people back and forth!!

ALEX: I lied in the title, two more pictures!!! Cool pictures, but take your pick on which one is cooler!!

ME: I like them both, we could put them together. Your name tag that looks better with the temple picture that looks better. Hahah.
That is cool. Did you love the live session in SL temple? Isn’t the celestial room awesome?

ALEX: I loved it and yes it's super AWESOME!!!! Did you see the picture of the Prophet that I took with my own camera?!?

ME: Yes. We will be so happy to post it in your blog and I will let people know in your FB page so they can see them

ALEX: Yay!!! You can use Paint.NET to combine them better so yeah!!!
Sounds good. Well get the iPod, but we won't send it until we are back from Washington next week.

ME: Any word on the visa?

ALEX: No word on the visa yet, but I think it may come on the 15th of this month!!

ME: The 15th seems to be a good day. I think by then we will know a lot of the things that are happening here. It is also the day our real estate agent's contract expires. If we haven't sold the house it may be for a reason and it would be awesome, because we wouldn't lose money on selling the house and moving.

ALEX: That's good!!! It does sound like a good date!!!

ME: Your brother isn't here. He is celebrating his birthday with his friends. He should be back soon and then we will leave.
Have a wonderful day.
Take care, love you tons.

ALEX: I'll be sending him a letter so yeah!!! I hope he has a good birthday!!!
Love you!!!

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