Alex as a soccer fan
The elders in Alex's area/piso at the mission home: Elders Forrest, Wride, Gonzalez, Jeppson, and Bauer
Plaza de Toros in Madrid
Hello Family,
Sorry I didn´t write to you earlier, but this P-Day has been intense!! So I liked the picture you sent of Grandma and Grandpa´s anniversary! It was pretty cool!! Sooo transfers happened and guess where I am? I see you guessed Valladolid, but you´re wrong. I´m now in Alcobendas which is in Madrid! It´s a pretty cool area too!! Another thing is that I´m going to be taking the place of Elder Jeppson as Mission Secretary. I´m in the mission office every week day except for Wednesday. We stay in there from 11 - 5 or 6. I´m learning a lot of new stuff and it´s pretty time consuming so far. I thought it would be hard, but so far, just time consuming.
So Monday was my first day working. I got in at about 4 or 5 and was learning a lot about stuff. I had to make at least 41 sheets to have people do residency and that was time consuming. You have to do a lot of Excel stuff and then Word and put it in a folder saved for people and, it was stressful. We left after a while and picked up more people transferring in. Oh, and do you remember Elder Gonzalez from Salt Lake? Yeah, we´re living in the same piso [apartment]...again!!! It´s been fun!! Elder Gonzalez is companions with Elder Wride, and he´s super cool as well!!! I´m currently in a trio with Elder Jeppson (my office trainer that will be gone in 3 weeks) and Elder Forrest (the finance office Elder that will be my companion). I´ve also heard that as office Elders, we´ll be in the office for about 6 months!! That´s a long time, but it´s cool!! Anyway, after picking up the Elders that are going home and Elder Wride, we went to the mission home to drop off the Elders going home. The Watkins invited us to eat with them and it was really good!! I liked their food, so much better than my food that I try to make, haha. We then took some pictures there and left for our piso which is a cool new piso!! I really like it!!
Tuesday we had district meeting and for that we showed Elder Wride and Gonzalez their area and also the old piso that they were living in. That piso is small and I´m glad we moved!! Then we went to the office to work a bit and stayed there from 1 until 6. I had to do the green and blue sheet as well as send 41 emails out to all of the missionaries that were transferred. The green and blue sheets are like a missionary phone book telling us where they are and their numbers as well as who´s the senior companion, junior companion, zone leader, whatever. I also talked to my first companion Elder McGrath about one of his extra phones that he had in the Canary Islands. I also assigned two phones to two new companionships. One to Elder Wride and Gonzalez, and another to the two new missionaries in Valladolid. There are now 4 in Valladolid. Super cool how everything works in the background!! I love it!! So as for letters being sent to me, just send it to the mission office. I´ll get them every day when they arrive so yeah.
Today we did a lot of stuff!! We went into Madrid Madrid (yes I wrote it two times) and took pictures of the Plaza de Toros [bullfight arena], then went to meet up with some other missionaries serving in Madrid. We parked in a mall, and before we went out to meet them, we looked into clothes shops and then we saw a place with tanks of fish. So those fish are used to "massage" your feet and eat all of the bacteria off of your feet! The lady led us to a spot where we could stick our fingers in a tank to see how they work. They´re really small and they surrounded my fingers and it felt funny!! It tickled my fingers and it was just weird!! Later we went to a park to have P-Day and I saw missionaries that I knew and talked to them for a while! One of them that I talked to for a while was my district leader in Valladolid! His name is Elder Iverson and it was fun to talk to him!! Another missionary that I talked to for a while was Hermana [Sister] Miron, who was in the CCM [MTC] at the same time as I was!! It was fun to talk to her about our experiences in the field! Now we´re doing email and that was my day. OH and another thing, we have a car as office elders so I´m going to learn how to drive with a manual transmission. I´m scared!!!! So how´s the family? How was this week? Take care and I´ll write to you soon!! Love you all!!!
Elder Bauer
Secretario de la Mision Madrid España